Punch & Judy
They travel all over England since the 17th century. Punch is a cruel, seducer, gallant, libertine and immoral character.
In our days, this theatre is still a theatrical genre of great success and an unavoidable symbol of the English culture.
- Author:
- Petr Rezac
- Country:
- United Kingdom
- Manipulation technique:
- Glove
- Dimensions:
- 67.0 x 47.0 x 12.0 (Height x Width x Depth)
- Inventary id:
- MM1246
Mão de Marioneta – S. Lourenço
- Author:
- Derek Francis
- Country:
- United Kingdom
- Manipulation technique:
- Not manipulable
- Dimensions:
- 23.0 x 8.0 x 7.0 (Height x Width x Depth)
- Inventary id:
- 4
- Country:
- United Kingdom
- Manipulation technique:
- String
- Dimensions:
- 31.0 x 35.0 x 5.0 (Height x Width x Depth)
- Inventary id:
- MM1712
- Country:
- United Kingdom
- Manipulation technique:
- String
- Dimensions:
- 33.0 x 35.0 x 6.0 (Height x Width x Depth)
- Inventary id:
- MM1711
- Author:
- Petr Rezac
- Country:
- United Kingdom
- Manipulation technique:
- Glove
- Dimensions:
- 66.0 x 50.0 x 14.0 (Height x Width x Depth)
- Inventary id:
- MM1247
- Author:
- {{ cell.mm_piece_author }}
- Country:
- {{ cell.art_region_name }}
- Manipulation technique:
- {{ cell.art_technique_name }}
- Materials:
- {{ cell.mm_piece_materials }}
- Dimensions:
- {{ cell.art_dimensions }}
- Inventary id:
- {{ cell.mm_inventary_id }}