Toone Theatre
One of the cultural references in Belgium, Toone Theatre is an ex-libris of Brussels. Created around 1830 it was preserved by a true puppeteer dynasty. These puppets are made of wood, with a rod and strings in the hands.
Their repertoire is composed of classical plays freely adapted, or by texts that writer Michel de Guelderode has written in the 30’s.
- Author:
- Jose Geal
- Country:
- Belgium
- Manipulation technique:
- Stick over
- Dimensions:
- 33.0 x 38.0 x 11.0 (Height x Width x Depth)
- Inventary id:
- 44
- Author:
- {{ cell.mm_piece_author }}
- Country:
- {{ cell.art_region_name }}
- Manipulation technique:
- {{ cell.art_technique_name }}
- Materials:
- {{ cell.mm_piece_materials }}
- Dimensions:
- {{ cell.art_dimensions }}
- Inventary id:
- {{ cell.mm_inventary_id }}