Puppet Shows

LUA CHEIA - Teatro para Todos

Maria João Trindade and Silvain Peker – Ideas and interpretation Kaja Avbersek – Puppets and scenographyCristiano Barata – Music
Audience: over 6 years old;Time: 50m;
Schedule: Tuesdays,Thursdays and Fridays at 10:30am; Wednesdays at 10:30am and 2:30pm (schools)Saturdays and bank holidays at 4pm (common public)Sundays 11:30am (common public) Opening night: 16th November – 09:30pm
Extra show: 29th November – 09:30pm
Lua cheia presents “Agakuke e os Estranhos Estrounhos”- European continent – the 5th show of the cycle “Agakuke, o Inuit”.
After being around the world, Agakuke has finally got to Europe where he is amazed with the Estranhos Estrounhos.An unexpected, strange thing has affected the residents of Estounha. Will Agakuke know how to help resolve their strange problem?A hard task when the country doesn’t even appear on the map! How to get there?How to reach it? In a case like this it’s better to use our imagination…