Family Activities

MUSEUM DAY MAY, 20th | May, 21st | 9 pm

May, 20th | 9 pmTRADITIONAL  INDONESIA DANCESFree admition1. Saman2. Kecak and Baleganjur3. Pujanggan4. Merak5. Prahara Dewi Sinta6. Music Angklung performance Museu da Marioneta | Associação Welcome People & Arts |  Indonesian EmbassyMaio, 21st | 9 pm  WAYANG – Shadown PuppetsFree admitionStories of Roro Jongrang & Rama Sita, with The tradition of Wayang Kulit, name by which the shadow puppet’s art is known in Java and Malaysia (Kedah and Kelantan), was one of the greatest manifestations of its cultures—and it still is in Java.As it is usual in the arts of Southeast Asia, the repertoire of Wayang Kulit is inspired by the Indian epics Ramayana and Mahabharata, its heroes and many adventures. Rama, Sita and the monkey Hanuman of Ramayana, Bima and Arjuna of Mahabharata, are particularly appreciated. Museu da Marioneta | Associação Welcome People & Arts |  Indonesian Embassy