Links of interest
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
Culture Management
International Committee for Conservation – ICOM – CC
The Getty Conservation Institute
Museum Resources: Conservation and Preservation
Instituto Centrale per il Restauro
Advice & Guidance: Conservation
Cultural Heritage Search Engine : Preservation and Conservation Database
Museums and Museology
ICOM – International Council of Museums
Instituto dos Museus e da Conservação
Associação Portuguesa de Museologia
European Museums’ Information Institute
Canadian Heritage Information Network
MINOM – International Movement for a New Museology
NEMO – Network of European Museum Organizations
Asociación Española de Museólogos
Federación Española de Amigos de los Museos
Museums, Libraries and Archives Council
The National Council on Archives
Culture and Policy
Ministério da Cultura Português
Ministério da Cultura Espanhol
SIBMAS – International Association of Libraries and Museums of the Performing Arts
Associação Portuguesa de Gestores do Património Cultural
Instituto Português do Património Arquitectónico
Comissão Nacional da UNESCO Portugal
Arquivo de Cultura Portuguesa Contemporânea
Associação Portuguesa de Bibliotecários, Arquivistas e Documentalistas
Clube Português de Artes e Ideias
Puppet Museums
Das augsburger puppentheatermuseum “Die kiste”
Puk-Museum für puppentheater Kultur
Puppentheater museum kaufbeuren
Puppentheatermuseum in stadtmuseum Muchen
Puppentheatersammlung der staalichen kunstsammlungen
Theaterwissenschaftliche sammlung der universität Köln
Österreichisches Theatermuseum
Musée International de la Marionnette
Musée international du carnaval et du masque
Centre de la Marionnette de la Communauté Française de Belgique
Centre de la Marionnette de la Communauté Française de Belgique
Musée du Théâtre Royal de Toone
Musée Tchantès et de la République Libre d’Outre-Meuse
Museu do Mamulengo – Espaço Tirida
Musée Canadien des Civilisations, collection de marionnettes
Coad Canada Puppets
Manitoba Puppet Theatre
El museu es itinerante FAMADIT
Teatromuseo del titere y el payaso
Museu internacional de titelles d`Albaida
Bilboko Txotxongilo Dokumentazio-Bilduma Zentrua
Colección Taraneya de Títeres del Sudeste Asiático
Institut del Teatre de la Diputación de Barcelona
Marionetarium (Marionetas de Herta Frankel)
Theatre Academy – Central Library of Theatre and Dance
Citia – Conservatoire d`art et d`histoire
Musée Itinérant des Marionnettes du Monde
Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation
The Netherlands
The museum for the arts of puppetry
Museo dei burattini e delle figure
Museo internazionale delle marionette Antonio Pasqualino
Museo permanente della collezione Monticelli
Musée de la Marionnette de Bergame
Teatrino di Marionette dell’Ottocento Rissone
Teatro delle Marionette degli Accettella
Teatro-Museo dell’Opera dei Pupi
Iida city Kawamoto Kihachiro puppet museum
Jusaburo’s Puppet Museum
Museo Interactivo del Títere (
Museo Nacional del Títere Rosete Aranda (
La Casa de los Títeres (Baúl Teatro)
United Kingdom
Biggar puppet theatre and museum
Cabaret Mechanical Theatre : musée des automates
Scottish Mask and Puppet Theatre Centre
The World Through Wooden Eyes – John M. Blundall Collection
Check Republic
Mezinárodní Institut Loutkáøského Umìní (Museum of Puppet Culture)
Museum of Historical Marionettes of Milan Knizak
Musée de la marionnette S.Obrastzov
Sri Lanka
Museum of Traditional Puppet Art
Musée suisse de la Marionnette
Lin Lin-Hsin Puppet Theatre Museum
American Museum of Natural History
Aurora Valentinetti Puppet Museum (Evergreen Children’s Theatre)
Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry University of Connecticut
The Brownstone Puppet Theatre & Museum
Chinese Theatre Works (Pauline Benton and Jo Humphrey Collections) COPA (Conservatory of Puppet Arts) – Armory Center for Arts Northwest
MacNider Art Museum (Collection of Bill Baird Puppets)
Meredith Bixby Marionette Exhibit
Museum of International Folk Art
Open Hand Theater – International Mask and Puppet Museum
The Puppeteers of America Audiovisual Library
Puppet Works – Nicholas Coppola
Santa Monica Puppet & Magic Center
Puppetry in Portugal
CAMA – Centro de Artes da Marioneta
acta – a companhia de teatro do algarve
companhia de teatro lanterna mágica
mao – marionetas, actores & objectos
partículas elementares teatro de marionetas
pia – projectos de intervenção artística
rodamola – teatro infantil e de marionetas de barcelos
s.a.marionetas – teatro & bonecos de alcobaça
lafontana – formas animadas
teatro regional da serra do montemuro
valdevinos – teatro de marionetas
associação amadora de teatro de marionetas de ovar
joão calixto as pequenas cerimónias
mestre filipe e as suas marionetas
teatro de marionetas em portugal
tem rede – rede nacional de teatros de marionetas
viagens no mundo das marionetas
FIMFA Lx – Festival Internacional de Marionetas e Formas Animadas, Lisboa
Marionetas na Cidade – Festival Nacional de Teatro de Marionetas, Alcobaça
BIME – Bienal Internacional de Marionetas de Évora
FIMP – Festival Internacional de Marionetas do Porto
Festival Internacional de Marionetas de Sintra
Festafife Viana do Castelo
Puppets around the World
The Puppetry Homepage
An inventory of all the sites across the world dedicated to the arts of puppetry. Comprehensive site, organised by theme and country.
Takey’s Website.
The worldwide directory of the Puppets Companies with 2200 links
A bibliography with about 1400 titles. The directory of the emails of the Puppetry World.
Spanish / English
Sombras y Marionetas del Mediterráneo
TOPIC – Centro Internacional del Titere de Tolosa – The Art of Puppetry
Les Marionnettes du Bout du Monde
Columbia Association of Puppeteers
To bring together all persons interested in puppetry to share experiences, skills and resources, to promote excellence in puppetry and to enhance its public image as a performing art and an educational tool.
Can Titella
Website full of informations and with a incredible number of links.
Spanish / Catalan / English
Japan Puppetry Atlas
Links to Japanese Puppetry.
Japanese / English
Unima Group
Unima Group is a internet (Yahoo!) group started by the Greek Unima Centre. Its aim is to connect directly in everyday communication all (or most) National Centres of Unima.
The main language of the Group is English, but any other language is of course possible to be used.
A great quantity of texts for Puppets shows.
An inventory of German sites, with links to other countries.
Online Newspaper; a resource for puppetry in Spain and Latin America; projects, companies, assistance, discussion forums.
Informative website about puppetry in Argentina.
Puppet Intervention
Puppet Intervention is a new home for puppetry and related arts in Brisbane, Australia.
El Món Mágic dels Titelles
Informative website about spanich speaking puppetry.
Spanish / Catalan
A free resource for all puppet-lovers and dedicated to helping people to get information about Indian puppetry – Directory of companies.
This site will give an account of all aspects of puppetry including different types of puppets and varied puppet theatre.
I Opera dei Pupi (Buttitta Antonino)
A resource for puppetry in Sicilia.
Scottish Mask and Puppet Centre
The Centre aims to establish a unique place as an international centre specialising in mask, mime, puppetry and physical theatre.
Puppets and Stuff
Dedicated to the art of puppetry with its databases for Puppet Builders, Puppet Companies, Puppetry Festivals, Puppetry Organizations and Puppeteers.
The Puppet Forge
This site is for your entertainment and possibly your education as well. It is dedicated to puppeteers the world over.
The Puppet Museum
Here you will find a long list of links to other puppet pages.
This list lists links to over 50 countries around the world.
The Puppetry Lounge
A completely visitor interactive puppetry information site with Events calendar y Java Chat.
The String Puppet Homepage
This site, with resources links for puppeteers, is to help promote the Art of the Marionette.
Institut International de la Marionnette de Charleville Mézières
This institute, with its school, its center of documentation, stays a reference place for searchers, students ans also creators. It propose, every year, workshops with great masters.
French / English
Atlanta Center for Puppetry Arts
Opened in 1978, the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta is the largest organization in the United States dedicated to the art form of puppetry.
Centro de Documentación de Títeres de Bilbao
Puppet Center of Bilbao, with many informations about spanish speaking puppetry around the world
The South West Puppeteers Webnet
This on-line resource has been created to showcase the work of puppeteers and puppetry organisations based in the South West of England.
Mask Makers Web
This danish website is for all mask makers and mask lovers of the world.
The Worldwide Friends of Punch and Judy
The Worldwide Friends of Punch and Judy is an assemblage of people who love the Punch and Judy Show and the legendary puppet anti-hero, Mr. Punch.
Punch and Judy on the Web
An authentic Punch and Judy resource, in Britain and around the world.
Association L’Ombre Chinoise
The association l’Ombre Chinoise (the Chinese Shadow) aims to promote and to help the discovery of the shadow theaters and the puppets of Asia.
Wayang Kulit Théâtre d’Ombres d’Indonésie
This website about Wayang Kulit also provides general information about wayang, and provides links to other sites about wayang.
Teatro Tradicional de Sombras Turco
The websites about Karagöz are rare and this website in 4 lenguages is full of informations about the traditional turkish shadow play.
Turkish / English / German / French
A resource about Paper Theatre
French / English
eStage is a self-organising platform open to all that want to dive into puppet characters, plays, or stories and to those that like to proliferate their own ideas through this system.
English / French / Spanish
BUMA – Museo virtuale del Burattino e della Marionetta presents the puppets collection of the Scuole Civiche di Milano – Fondazione di Partecipazione.
The more important in Europe with 5000 items (puppets, manuscripts, etc…)
Established in 1965 by a global alliance of professional theatre, ASSITEJ is an international network of theatre for children and young people.
It links thousands of theatres, organizations and individuals through national centres in more than 70 countries.
The International Theatre Institute is an international non-governmental organization, founded in Prague in 1948 by UNESCO and the international theatre community with national centers in approximately 90 countries.
ITI maintains formal associate relations with UNESCO and is its principal international NGO partner in the field of the performing arts.
French / English
The European Network of Information Centres for the Performing Arts aims to function as a meeting place for information and documentation organisations. The main goal is to distribute and to make available a broad range of information about the professional performing arts to arts professionals world wide.
SCENIS – Stage of Central Europe and Newly Independent States is a searchable database of performing arts links to websites.
It has been created to serve arts and culture organisations and individuals from or concerning Central and Eastern Europe, and the Newly Independent States.
The European League of Institutes of the Arts is an independent network of Arts Education Institutes, covering all the disciplines of the Arts, founded in Amsterdam in 1990.
The SIBMAS International Directory of Performing Arts Collections and Institutions lists over 7000 international institutions with material relating to the performing arts.
Not only basic information, but also information about the collections.
Artslynx – International Arts Resources
Artslynx is designed as a portal to the best information on the arts available on the web, especially in the areas of theatre and dance.
Ray Da Silva’s Bookshop
The Leading Supplier of Puppet Books to Puppeteers and Puppet Centres Worldwide.
Here, You will find books here relating to all aspects of Puppet Theatre.
A community of over 12000 independent booksellers from around the globe.
English / French
A directory with 4000 addresses of booksellers
Suche & Finde Bücher SFB (Search & Find Books)
ooksellers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and some other countries.
Also, offers a search engine to find books in other websites.
German / English
Other Museums
Masdearte – Exposiciones HOlanda
MAVI Museo de Artes Visuales CHILE
O Museu – Museu Fundação Oriente